Sunday, June 19, 2011

Do You Know?

Do You Know?

Do you know how much I want to shower you with all the love and passion that has been locked in me my whole life?

Do you know how much I want to soak you all through you with joyful sharing of all the fun things I can think of?

Do you know how much I want to see your eyes sparkle with the knowing that you are adored just because you are you?

Do you know how much I long to hear your most playful laugh, your deepest heart-felt cry, and your most urgent passion?

Do you know how much I yearn to touch your skin, to run my finger through your hair, to hold you within me forever?

Do you know?

(C) 13 May 2011, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

If Only I Were Able

If Only I Were Able

If only I were able ... I'd love to grab you & go dancing in the rain, splashing in the puddles, laughing & giggling... wiggling toes in the mud... just happy to be alive & untamed.

If only I were able... I'd love to grab you & do wading through a creek, watching the little tadpoles about to become frogs, following dragonflies with our eyes, and splashing you while giggling.

If only I were able... I'd love to take you to the top of a tall hill during a storm and watch the storm from a sheltered but still open place... feeling the wind and the rain spray us... as I hold you to watch.

If only I were able... I'd roll you on the ground in a field of sweet clover... in the daytime and in the nighttime... happy to see sun or moon... just happy to be together.

If only I were able... I'd love you so much you'd be able to swim forever in my love and never want to stop swimming again.

If only I were able.... so I made myself able in the only way I can... with my words, my heart, my soul, and my love.

(C) 28 April 2011, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw.

Touch upon Touch

Touch upon Touch

Opening joyfully to my lover
With tender compassion,
Sensuous depths explore
The most intense passion.

Soulish friendship, burning desire,
Understanding births inspiration;
Touch upon touch, a taste and a smell,
Life in bodily sensation…

A spiritual meeting, so earthy, so rare,
Cherishing gifted treasures,
With intellectual commingling…
Metaphysical pleasures.

(C) 2 May 1999, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw.

Your Eyes Dance

Your Eyes Dance

Everytime I see you after we’ve been apart—
No matter how short the interval—
I feel that electric pulsing tingle and surge
Swell from my womanly core
As emotions ball in my throat,
Tears well my eyes.
Your eyes dance with sparkling light
As they search out mine
With that flirty, naughty,
Yet deep-springing joyous love
That we share.

And we know
We can take our time or passionately rush,
But our desire is still the same:
To celebrate our oneness
As thoroughly as we cherish each other.

But right now,
Let us continue to stoke the fire
That shines through our eyes,
Reflecting that knowing smile
Of our spirits, our souls, our bodies—
That knows you’re mine,
And I am yours.

(C)23 November 1993, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Teach Me the Ways of Love’s Desires

Teach Me the Ways of Love’s Desires

I smile as I watch you,
Knowing the man you are
And the way you make me feel
As our eyes meet from afar.

I see in every move you make
The myriad pleasures you have
In your arms. The touch of your hand
Is to my heart a healing salve.

Your eyes dazzle me
With a cheeky kind of flirty play
And a look that beckons me to
Romp with you and do as we may.

Your smile warms my heart
And puts an electric spark
To the kindling center of me
Begging our love embark,

Oh, again, sweet lover!
Again let me feel your embrace.
Let me wrap you in my arms
And see the love in your face.

Gently and slowly show me
Your mastery of building my fire.
Take me in your arms
And teach me the ways of love’s desires.

(C) 22 January 1993, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw.

My Beltane Invocation

My Beltane Invocation
Under the full Beltane moon,
With the inner fire burning brightly
In the mid-spring night,
Will I take you beneath the stars to dance among the trees
And to sing with deep throaty moans and laughs
As heartbeat to heartbeat,
The ancient fertility rhythms compel us
To keep the sacred tryst that feeds Earth
And honors all our relations in the web of life,
Giving sexual energy as fertile life blood,
Commending awakening and growth,
Urging the ripening of love,
Expressed in the joyful embrace.

Come, follow me, my love,
To the hills, to the forests, to the newly plowed field, the river;
Come, my love, to the meadow, to the creek, the ocean,
And let us pay homage to the bringing together
And to the bringing apart,
For all ways are valid in the expression of love
On this night of lusty, frothy sacred weaving
Love as ribbons around your pole.

(C) 4 November 1998, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

My Lover’s Face

My Lover’s Face

Your smile hides the mischief-making Puck
Promising Dionysian revelry,
Dancing beneath the canopy of sheltering trees…
Your eyes beckon Daphne’s nymphs
To sing and drum their ecstasy
Of Bacchanalian rites.

(C) 4 November 1998, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw.

Universal Intercourse

Universal Intercourse

Sexual attraction/repulsion, the ebb/flow of tides…
The lunatic moon projects a moan
To pull and release our juices so
Each cell is not alone.

Each molecule, each atom copulates
In patterns of brilliant lust
Of conjugal bliss and explosiveness,
Of ejaculatory must.

In and out and back and forth,
Around and around we go,
The whole universe it seems,
Is in the biblical know.

Is he positive?or is she negative?
Is it dirty? No, it’s fun!!!
This bio-chemical-neuro-electrical magnet
Of energetic pun.

(C) 4 November 1998, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw.

Buried Treasures

Buried Treasures
Come into my embrace, my love,
And let me begin to reveal my treasures
That my enemies thought were all destroyed or stolen,
But what they didn’t know then,
And they’ll not learn now,
Is that my treasures were buried
Deep inside me—
Kept safe until the right time
When the correct combination
Would begin to unlock the riches
Long ago buried
Deep in my heart
And spirit.
A great mystery—
The amazing ability
To disappear into myself
In a way that even I
Could not unlock
Until the right time.
But now,
Come, my love,
Take my hand and go on this adventure
Of great discovery with me.

(C) 20 January 1993, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw.

I Do

I Do

Having been buffeted by storms for so long,
It’s hard to appreciate the calm
Which comes intermittently now,
But I do.

Having lived in the whirlwind,
It is hard to reap the full benefit
Of seeds sown in peace,
But I do.

Having no place to run to and be safe,
It is hard to run into the arms of god
And feel safe there,
But I do.

Having been hurt and betrayed so much by so many.
It is hard to risk trusting you
And reaching out to you,
But I do.

Having known sorrow and suffering of heart and soul,
It is hard to find deep joy
And hope at every turn,
But I do.

Having had no one to love me properly in life,
It is hard to be loved by you
Or even to love you,
But I do.
I really do.
(C) 20 January 1993, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw