Sunday, June 19, 2011

Your Eyes Dance

Your Eyes Dance

Everytime I see you after we’ve been apart—
No matter how short the interval—
I feel that electric pulsing tingle and surge
Swell from my womanly core
As emotions ball in my throat,
Tears well my eyes.
Your eyes dance with sparkling light
As they search out mine
With that flirty, naughty,
Yet deep-springing joyous love
That we share.

And we know
We can take our time or passionately rush,
But our desire is still the same:
To celebrate our oneness
As thoroughly as we cherish each other.

But right now,
Let us continue to stoke the fire
That shines through our eyes,
Reflecting that knowing smile
Of our spirits, our souls, our bodies—
That knows you’re mine,
And I am yours.

(C)23 November 1993, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

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