Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Beltane Invocation

My Beltane Invocation
Under the full Beltane moon,
With the inner fire burning brightly
In the mid-spring night,
Will I take you beneath the stars to dance among the trees
And to sing with deep throaty moans and laughs
As heartbeat to heartbeat,
The ancient fertility rhythms compel us
To keep the sacred tryst that feeds Earth
And honors all our relations in the web of life,
Giving sexual energy as fertile life blood,
Commending awakening and growth,
Urging the ripening of love,
Expressed in the joyful embrace.

Come, follow me, my love,
To the hills, to the forests, to the newly plowed field, the river;
Come, my love, to the meadow, to the creek, the ocean,
And let us pay homage to the bringing together
And to the bringing apart,
For all ways are valid in the expression of love
On this night of lusty, frothy sacred weaving
Love as ribbons around your pole.

(C) 4 November 1998, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

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